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What is supply chain due diligence

Any individual or entity involved in your supply chain or conducting business on your organization’s behalf, such as suppliers, distributors, agents, or partners, can potentially expose your business to unforeseen risks. These risks span a wide range of areas, including compliance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), ABAC (Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption), reputational, operational, financial, cybersecurity, and more.

Supply chain due diligence is a critical component of any effective supplier risk management program. It involves embedding and communicating supplier codes of conduct, and ensuring you assess your suppliers during both the onboarding process and on an ongoing basis to identify, understand, and manage these potential risks.

A well-designed compliance program is expected to apply risk-based due diligence to its supplier relationships.

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The challenges associated with supply chain due diligence

In today’s interconnected global marketplace, relying on a network of third-party and supplier relationships is essential for business growth and operational efficiency. However, these relationships also pose significant compliance challenges.  With hundreds, if not thousands, of suppliers to manage, and an ever-increasing list of interconnected risks to assess and monitor, compliance teams are facing an unfair fight.

Too often, compliance teams must navigate between multiple outputs from different screening providers, relying on poorly formatted data that isn't aggregated - and worse still - creates the additional noise of hundreds of false positives. This approach only makes your job harder, not easier. You deserve better.

Delivering better supply chain due diligence with GAN Integrity 

Fortunately, with the right resources, technology, and support, you can manage supply chain due diligence more effectively. That’s why leading organizations around the world rely on GAN Integrity. We help you:

See everything

GAN Integrity provides a comprehensive view of your supplier relationships.
  • Centralized data integration: Data from multiple risk intelligence and business system sources is consolidated in a single system, offering a single, unified view of all supplier risks. 
  • Conduct streamlined compliance checks: Seamlessly integrate due diligence checks directly into relevant business operations. Run initial and ongoing compliance checks against adverse media, sanctions lists, PEP lists, ESG risks, and more. Identify and manage high-risk third parties with Enhanced Due Diligence reports. 
  • Advanced analytics: Powerful analytics tools provide real-time insights into potential risks, enabling you to make informed, risk-based decisions.
  • Real-time monitoring: Stay updated with real-time monitoring, ensuring you are always aware of and can act on changes in risk profiles.

Adapt to anything

In a constantly changing regulatory landscape, GAN Integrity ensures your compliance program is agile and resilient, without the need for expensive IT projects.
  • Dynamic risk assessment: Continuously assess and reassess risks as new information becomes available and add new risk domains with ease.  This proactive approach ensures you stay ahead of potential compliance issues, and are always ready for what’s next.
  • Customizable workflows: Tailor workflows to fit your specific compliance needs, ensuring that your due diligence processes are efficient and effective.
  • Align to your risk appetite: Set automated risk ratings based on your company's risk tolerance. Calculate inherent, residual, and aggregate risk levels for a comprehensive view of risk at all times.

Get all the help you need

GAN Integrity offers comprehensive support and resources to ensure your success.
  • Expert support: Access our team of compliance experts for guidance and support, from helping you navigate the best risk intelligence sources to supporting continuous improvements in your solution.
  • Best practice embedded: Benefit from extensive best practice data sources, workflows and reporting already assembled in your solution, but with the flexibility to adjust and modify.
  • Influence development: Be a part of a community of clients whose inputs are listened to and developed for the good of the entire compliance community.

Our Products And Solutions

ABAC Program Management

Ensure your organization upholds ethical integrity and ABAC compliance through comprehensive risk assessments, effective policy management, and continuous monitoring. Capabilities include:

  • Third-party due diligence: Mitigate bribery and corruption risks with integrated questionnaires, sanctions checks, and risk intelligence data.
  • Disclosure management: Consolidate and assess conflicts of interest, gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable contribution disclosures.
  • Reporting and documentation: Maintain a complete audit trail and detailed reporting to easily demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and regulators.
GAN Integrity ABAC Compliance

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