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Key pillars of effective compliance training and communication 

Training and communication are vital for ensuring employees, third parties and suppliers understand and adopt company policies and codes of conduct. Training and communications should therefore go beyond the tick-the-box exercise and make an impact on behavior.  To achieve true effectiveness, consider the following key points:

Customize training programs

Tailor training to the organization’s specific needs and risks. Customization ensures employees receive relevant, impactful training, relating compliance to their roles.

Roll out regular training

Conduct regular training sessions to keep employees updated on compliance requirements. Tailor frequency to audience needs, with higher-risk groups receiving more frequent training.

Ensure training is engaging

Use interactive methods like e-learning, workshops, or on-site training. Real-life scenarios make training more engaging and memorable for employees.

Deploy clear and accessible communications

Ensure all communication channels are accessible, considering different environments, languages, and disabilities. This ensures everyone can effectively engage with compliance training.

Adopt a multi-channel approach to training

Implement ongoing guidance through compliance portals, intranet, newsletters, and meetings. This multi-channel approach keeps compliance top of mind and reinforces ethical conduct.

Continuously improve your training

Regularly update training content to reflect changing environments, regulations, and risks. Feedback channels help continuously improve your training and communication program.

Measure effectiveness

Assess training and communication effectiveness through surveys and tests. Measure engagement levels and completion rates to gauge training impact.

Leadership involvement

Ensure leadership actively participates in and endorses training programs. Leadership involvement promotes a culture of compliance and demonstrates commitment to ethical behavior.

Documentation and reporting

Maintain an auditable trail of your training and communications program for compliance and audit purposes. Comprehensive documentation supports program defensibility and demonstrates compliance efforts.

Third-Party Training

Include third parties and suppliers in your training and communications program to ensure they adhere to your company policies when conducting business on your behalf.

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Compliance training and communication challenges

Implementing effective compliance training and communication can feel like an unfair fight.

Training a global workforce is a significant effort, and can be hindered by low participation, resistance to change, and language barriers. Keeping content updated amid frequent regulatory changes demands significant resources, and many systems fail to connect training effectiveness to behavioral impact. Compliance teams, often small with limited budgets, are encumbered with outdated tools that are not user-friendly.

Compliance training is important and compliance teams deserve better.

Better compliance training & communication with GAN Integrity 

Fortunately, with the right resources, technology, and support, you can build a world-class compliance training and communications program. That’s why leading organizations around the world rely on GAN Integrity. We help you:

See everything

GAN Integrity provides a comprehensive view of your training program and its impact.
  • Integrated platform: Connect your training and communications with all compliance procedures to measure engagement levels, assess impact, and improve your program.
  • Embedded reporting and analytics: Customizable dashboards track program performance and proactively address gaps.
  • Transparency and documentation: An automated audit log records every compliance activity, ensuring everything is documented and available for future reference.
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Adapt to anything

In a constantly changing regulatory landscape, GAN Integrity ensures your compliance training program remains agile and resilient without the need for expensive IT projects.
  • Adaptable and dynamic set-up: Scalable user governance automatically enrolls new employees in the right programs and seamlessly rolls out new training initiatives.
  • Risk-based training and communications: Segment employees based on risk profiles to tailor the content and frequency of training and communications.
  • Stay ready for what's next: Scalable workflows and governance infrastructure quickly launch communication and training for new regulations or policies.

Get all the help you need

GAN Integrity offers comprehensive support and automation to ensure your success.
  • Continuous communications:  Use a “push & pull” learning model with regular engagement campaigns and a one-stop-shop portal for all compliance-related information.
  • Flexible content: We help you integrate your own training content, or select from our partners, for the solution that’s right for you. 
  • Dedicated and always-On support: Dedicated support and account management are on hand to help you continuously improve your program and its outcomes.

Our Products And Solutions

ABAC Program Management

Ensure your organization upholds ethical integrity and ABAC compliance through comprehensive risk assessments, effective policy management, and continuous monitoring. Capabilities include:
  • Third-party due diligence: Mitigate bribery and corruption risks with integrated questionnaires, sanctions checks, and risk intelligence data.
  • Disclosure management: Consolidate and assess conflicts of interest, gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable contribution disclosures.
  • Reporting and documentation: Maintain a complete audit trail and detailed reporting to easily demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and regulators.

Ready for better? Receive a personalized demo.

Schedule your personalized demo of our solutions to start your journey toward a better way to unify ethics, compliance, and risk management across your enterprise.
