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Trusted by leading global companies

Key Pillars Of Effective Policies and Procedures

Effective policies and procedures form the backbone of a successful compliance program. They not only establish clear guidelines and expectations but also create a structured environment where employees and third parties understand their roles and responsibilities. By setting the standards for behavior and operations, these policies and procedures ensure consistency, accountability, and adherence to the organization's ethical and regulatory requirements. 

Map Policies to Risks

Provide clear guidelines on business conduct to mitigate risk. Tailor policies to your unique business risks, avoiding generic approaches.

Create Comprehensive Policies

Develop detailed policies, procedures, and conduct standards that outline your commitment to compliance and employee expectations.

Collaborate with Stakeholders

Engage department leaders in policy development to ensure commitment, set the right tone, and create well-rounded policies.

Support Policies with Procedures

Ensure each policy has clear, actionable procedures detailing steps for adherence.

Communicate Effectively

Disseminate policies to all employees, third parties, and suppliers using effective channels to ensure comprehensive understanding.

Ensure Accessibility and Periodic Communication

Keep policies accessible and communicate them regularly, not just during annual attestations.

Embed Procedures into Operations

Use automation and integration to harmonize business operations with compliance processes.

Nurture the Right Tone at All Levels

Foster a compliance-focused culture from the top down. Ensure senior and mid-level management lead by example.

Measure Understanding and Engagement

Regularly assess policy effectiveness through surveys and feedback. Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement.

Account for Exceptions

Use exception requests to gather valuable insights for refining policies and procedures.

Addressing Challenges in Policy And Procedure Management

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Policies and procedures are essential to every compliance program, yet engaging the workforce in compliance is often more challenging than it appears. As a compliance professional striving to empower your organization, it can often feel like you’re fighting an unfair fight.

Compliance teams frequently struggle to engage large, global employee populations using outdated, fragmented systems with bad user experiences. The lack of integration between policy attestations and procedures leads to disjointed efforts and reduced effectiveness. Employees face compliance requirements without a simple way to engage with procedures. These obstacles undermine the purpose of policies and procedures: making compliance straightforward and intuitive. Compliance teams deserve better.

Better Policy and Procedure Management with GAN Integrity

Fortunately, with the right resources, technology, and support, you can better manage and deliver impactful policies and procedures. That’s why leading organizations around the world rely on GAN Integrity. We help you:

See everything

GAN Integrity provides a comprehensive view of policies, procedures, engagement, and risks.
  • Completely Integrated Policies and Procedures: A unified platform connects engagement levels with compliance procedures, highlighting the impact of policies.
  • Embedded Reporting and Analytics: Customizable dashboards provide visibility into adoption rates across every procedure. Data points reveal where policies are failing.
  • Transparency and Documentation: An automated audit log records every compliance activity, ensuring accessibility for future reference.
  • Single Sign-On to Everything Compliance: A centralized compliance portal simplifies access to policies and procedures, reducing confusion and increasing adoption.
  • Centralized Policy Library: Maintain all policies in one accessible location for easy management. 

Adapt to anything

In a constantly changing regulatory and business landscape, GAN Integrity ensures your policy and procedure management remains agile and resilient, without the need for expensive IT projects,
  • Targeted Content Delivery: Granular user management ensures that the right information reaches the right people at the right time.
  • Tailored Procedures: Design procedures that align with your internal processes, unique risks, and risk tolerance using flexible workflows and customizable risk modeling.
  • Scalable Program Deployment: Easily deploy new or updated policies at scale. Dynamic user management automates policy distribution to new employees.
  • Stay Agile: In a constantly changing regulatory environment, scalable workflows and governance infrastructure allow quick deployment of new policies and procedures.

Get all the help you need

GAN Integrity offers comprehensive support and automation to ensure your success.
  • Control Your Program: Integrated, self-service policy campaigns give you complete control over policy and awareness initiatives.
  • Safe, Intuitive, and Engaging Environment: The platform delivers tailored user journeys and secure interactions, ensuring employees feel safe and engaged with compliance procedures.
  • Dedicated Support: Ongoing support and account management ensure your needs are always met with dedicated guidance and assistance. 
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Our Products And Solutions


Conflict of Interests Management

Manage employee conflicts of interest disclosures with an easy to use, configurable platform. Capabilities include:
  • Reporting and analytics: Role-based dashboards to identify areas of potential exposure with actions and remediation workflows to mitigate risks.
  • Campaign management: Create conflicts of interest campaigns to inform and engage employees with training, policies and regular disclosure campaigns.
  • Third-party risk integration: Track conflicts of interest disclosures against third parties and suppliers for a comprehensive view of risk.

Ready for better? Receive a personalized demo.

Schedule your personalized demo of our solutions to start your journey toward a better way to unify ethics, compliance, and risk management across your enterprise.
