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Why GAN Integrity

GAN Integrity is how compliance teams get the tools and expertise to stay ahead of ABAC risk. With less effort but more reach, you finally get a better way to do your good work.


See everything – Gain a comprehensive view of your anti-bribery and corruption risks in one centralized platform.

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Adapt to anything – Utilize a dynamic solution that adapts to regulatory changes and evolves with your program.

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Get all the help you need – Receive dedicated support from GAN Integrity’s team of experts.

Understanding The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), enacted in 1977, is a U.S. federal law aimed at preventing bribery and corruption in international business transactions. It has two main provisions:

Anti-Bribery Provisions: These prohibit U.S. individuals, companies, and certain foreign entities from bribing foreign government officials to obtain or retain business. This includes offering, paying, promising to pay, or authorizing the payment of money or anything of value to influence the actions of a foreign official.

Accounting Provisions: These require publicly traded companies to maintain accurate books and records and implement internal accounting controls to prevent and detect illegal payments.

The FCPA is enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The FCPA also encourages companies to establish comprehensive compliance programs to prevent and detect bribery and corruption.

Why FCPA Compliance is Crucial

Violations to the FCPA can lead to substantial fines, penalties, and imprisonment for individuals, while companies risk reputational damage and loss of business opportunities. Adhering to the FCPA does more than just help companies avoid legal troubles and hefty fines; it also enhances their reputation for integrity. This is why having a robust compliance program is essential—it promotes sustainable business practices and paves the way for success in the global marketplace.

Key Expectations of FCPA Compliance

Prohibiting Bribery:

  • The FCPA makes it illegal for companies and their personnel to influence foreign officials with improper payments.
  • Compliance Tip: Implement strict anti-bribery policies and training programs detailing prohibited conduct and the legal consequences of non-compliance.

Accurate Record Keeping:

  • Companies must ensure that all transactions are accurately reflected in their books and are verifiable.
  • Compliance Tip: Utilize robust accounting systems that can track and report transactions transparently.

Robust Internal Controls:

  • Effective internal controls are crucial for compliance, helping to detect and prevent improper payments.
  • Compliance Tip: Regularly review and update internal control systems to reflect current risks and regulatory requirements.

GAN Integrity Solutions for FCPA Compliance

GAN Integrity’s platform is designed to support companies in maintaining robust ABAC compliance programs that meet FCPA requirements. The platform offers several key features:

ABAC Program Management

Ensure your organization upholds ethical integrity and ABAC compliance through comprehensive risk assessments, effective policy management, and continuous monitoring. Capabilities include:

  • Third-party due diligence: Mitigate bribery and corruption risks with integrated questionnaires, sanctions checks, and risk intelligence data.
  • Disclosure management: Consolidate and assess conflicts of interest, gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable contribution disclosures.
  • Reporting and documentation: Maintain a complete audit trail and detailed reporting to easily demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and regulators.
GAN Integrity ABAC Compliance