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Why GAN Integrity

GAN Integrity is how compliance teams get the tools and expertise to stay ahead of ABAC risk. With less effort but more reach, you finally get a better way to do your good work.


See everything – Gain a comprehensive view of your anti-bribery and corruption risks in one centralized platform.

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Adapt to anything – Utilize a dynamic solution that adapts to regulatory changes and evolves with your program.

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Get all the help you need – Receive dedicated support from GAN Integrity’s team of experts.

Understanding the UK Bribery Act 2010

The United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010 (“UK Bribery Act”), which came into force in July 2011, is the UK’s principal anti-corruption law. The Act criminalizes both the act of offering and receiving bribes by UK nationals or residents, applicable to actions both within the UK and internationally. It possesses extra-territorial reach, meaning that non-UK companies also fall under its jurisdiction if they conduct business within the UK or if any aspect of a bribery arrangement occurs within UK boundaries.

Under this Act, corporate entities, including companies and partnerships, can be held liable for failing to prevent bribery acts carried out on their behalf by an "associated person." This term "associated persons" is broadly defined to encompass employees, agents, subsidiaries, and any individuals who provide services for or represent the organization.


What Constitutes a Bribe Under the UK Bribery Act?

The Act defines bribery as offering, promising, giving, requesting, or accepting a financial or other advantage to induce or reward improper performance. This includes attempts to influence decision-makers in a business context with incentives outside acceptable business practices.

Key Offenses Under the Bribery Act:

  • Offering a bribe
  • Receiving a bribe
  • Bribing a foreign public official
  • Corporate failure to prevent bribery by associated persons

The Importance of Compliance With The UK Bribery Act

Adhering to the UK Bribery Act is not only a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of ethical business practice. Non-compliance can expose companies and individuals to severe penalties, including up to ten years of imprisonment and unlimited fines. Robust anti-bribery policies and procedures enhance business integrity and reduce risk.

Implementing Adequate Procedures

The Act provides a defense of "adequate procedures," which, if followed, protect against prosecution for failing to prevent bribery. Companies should align their compliance programs with the Ministry of Justice's Six Principles:

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GAN Integrity for UK Bribery Act Compliance

GAN Integrity supports these principles through a comprehensive anti-bribery management program, enhancing every aspect of compliance.

ABAC Program Management

Ensure your organization upholds ethical integrity and ABAC compliance through comprehensive risk assessments, effective policy management, and continuous monitoring. Capabilities include:

  • Third-party due diligence: Mitigate bribery and corruption risks with integrated questionnaires, sanctions checks, and risk intelligence data.
  • Disclosure management: Consolidate and assess conflicts of interest (COI), gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable contribution disclosures.
  • Reporting and documentation: Maintain a complete audit trail and detailed reporting to easily demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and regulators.
GAN Integrity ABAC Compliance

The GAN Integrity Platform means all your compliance and ethics programs can be managed in one place - now that's better.