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Trusted by the world’s leading manufacturers 

Why leading manufacturers rely on GAN Integrity

GAN Integrity is how compliance teams at manufacturers get the tools and expertise to stay ahead of risk. With less effort and more reach, you finally get a better way to do your good work.


See everything – Gain a connected view of regulatory risk and compliance in one platform for more effective program management.

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Adapt to anything –  Tailor the platform to your organization, regardless of your tech stack, regions, risk appetite, and other complexities -all without heavy lifting or expense.

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Get all the help you need – Receive dedicated support from GAN Integrity’s team of experts.

Compliance challenges for the manufacturing industry

Compliance officer challenge

As a compliance professional in the manufacturing industry, it often feels like you're fighting an unfair fight. You are tasked with navigating an extensive range of regulations, standards, and guidelines that vary across jurisdictions and constantly shift with emerging risks. The complexity of your industry, characterized by intricate supply chains, further compounds compliance, geopolitical, and location risks.

The responsibility doesn't end within your company's four walls; it reaches into the entire extended enterprise. You need to know who your third parties, suppliers, and intermediaries are, ensure they maintain appropriate controls to meet your ethical standards, and continuously monitor changes in their risk profiles.

This is a daunting challenge, especially when compliance teams are often small and resources are spread thin across multiple departments. Silos are common, particularly when working with disparate compliance and business systems that fail to integrate and communicate effectively.

You deserve better.

Key areas of compliance in manufacturing

Manufacturing companies are complex enterprises. There are many areas of compliance, ethics, and risk that need to be managed, spanning everything from Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Anti-Bribery And Corruption (ABAC). These include:

  • ABAC Compliance: Upholding anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and standards.
  • Supply Chain Due Diligence:  Examination and evaluation of the supply chain beyond Tier 1 to manage compliance and ethical risks.
  • Data Protection: Safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Environmental Compliance: Minimizing detrimental ecological impact of manufacturing activities.
  • Labor Laws: Observing fair employment practices.
  • Intellectual Property Security: Protecting patents and trademarks.
  • Export Controls: Complying with international trade laws.
  • Quality Control & Assurance: Ensuring products meet standards.
  • Workplace Safety: Implementing safe working conditions.
  • Product Safety: Ensuring consumer product safety.
  • Financial Reporting: Maintaining transparency in financial dealings.

Steps to achieving compliance in the manufacturing industry

Compliance in the Manufacturing Industry

Icon_Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Identify potential compliance risks specific to your manufacturing processes.

Icon_Objective Setting

Objective Setting

Define clear compliance goals that align with your operational objectives.



Maintain thorough records of compliance efforts and decisions.



Educate employees about compliance requirements tailored to the manufacturing industry.

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Monitoring and Auditing

Regularly review compliance status and adjust practices as needed.

Icon_Reporting System

Reporting System

Establish clear channels for reporting issues and disclosures.

Icon_Issue Response

Issue Response

Quickly address non-compliance issues to prevent disruptions.

Icon_Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Regularly update compliance practices to stay ahead of regulatory changes.

GAN Integrity for Manufacturing Companies

GAN Integrity helps manufacturers navigate these challenges with a unified, easy-to-use compliance platform that organizes requirements, automates tasks, and provides powerful reporting, making it easier for you to do your good work. With GAN Integrity, compliance teams can see everything, adapt to anything, and get all the help they need.

Disclosure Management

Consolidate your disclosures for conflicts of interest, gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable donations or contributions. Capabilities include:

  • Policy management: Develop and enforce comprehensive disclosure policies. Educate and engage your workforce with targeted training and policy attestations.
  • Flexible disclosure process: Simplify the submission of potential conflicts of interest with user-friendly forms, ensuring easy access for employees.
  • Automated approvals and reviews: Enhance compliance with automated approval and review workflows. Quickly escalate notifications to relevant stakeholders to address potential risks.
GAN Integrity Disclosure Management

The GAN Integrity Platform means all your compliance and ethics programs can be managed in one place - now that's better.

What Our Customers Say

The other piece that I really liked about GAN, related to the investigations and the case management, was that it was pretty simple and straightforward. For a company like ours, which is a manufacturing company, we’re averaging somewhere between 20 and 30 cases coming in a month. We don’t need a lot of complexity. We need it to be pretty simple, straightforward, and easy to use. And that was one of the things that really appealed to me about GAN.

Deborah Spanic

Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer for Clarios

In our comprehensive compliance guide for the manufacturing industry we cover major trends, regulatory developments, and challenges facing the industry today. We explore simple best practices that companies can adopt to address these challenges effectively.

What’s inside?

  • Trends in manufacturing and their compliance implications
  • Key areas of compliance in the manufacturing industry
  • Compliance best practices in manufacturing

Ready for better? Receive a personalized demo.

Schedule your personalized demo of our solutions to start your journey toward a better way to unify ethics, compliance, and risk management across your enterprise.
