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Trusted by leading global companies

Key Pillars of an ABAC Program

Bribery and corruption can permeate all levels of an organization, especially in international businesses and those engaging with government officials. Comprehensive frameworks like the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), SAPIN II, and the U.K. Bribery Act provide robust guidelines for combating these issues globally. These regulations offer best practices for identifying, avoiding, reporting, and preventing corrupt activities, including:

Leadership and Commitment

Top leadership must set a zero-tolerance stance for bribery and corruption, actively support the ABAC program, and foster an ethical culture.

Risk Assessment

Regular, thorough risk assessments identify and evaluate bribery and corruption risks, allowing targeted mitigation strategies.

Policies and Procedures

Clear, comprehensive ABAC policies covering areas like gifts, hospitality, and third-party due diligence are essential.

Training and Communication

Ongoing training and clear communication ensure employees understand ABAC policies, the importance of compliance, and how to report issues.

Third-Party Management

Conduct risk-based due diligence and monitor third parties, including suppliers and agents, to ensure they adhere to ABAC standards.

Monitoring and Auditing

Regular monitoring and auditing to help track compliance, review controls, and detect issues.

Reporting and Investigation

A robust reporting mechanism, such as a whistleblower hotline, allows confidential reporting of suspected bribery and corruption.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly evaluate and update the ABAC program to adapt to regulatory changes and learn from past incidents​.

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Challenges building an ABAC program

Compliance teams are often caught in an unfair fight against bribery and corruption. Despite their hard work, they're often hampered by tight budgets and small teams, making it difficult to maintain effective compliance initiatives. The tangled web of organizational structures, siloed systems, and outdated processes only adds to the struggle, preventing clear visibility and consistency. On top of this, ever-changing regulations expand their responsibilities faster than their resources can match. Fighting corruption is important and compliance teams deserve better. 

Building a better ABAC compliance program with GAN Integrity

Fortunately, with the right resources, technology, and support, you can build a world-class ABAC program. That’s why leading organizations around the world rely on GAN Integrity. We help you:

See everything

GAN Integrity provides a comprehensive view of all your ABAC risks.
  • Due diligence: Achieve visibility into all risks across your suppliers and third parties, identifying issues such as sanctions, enforcement actions, and employee disclosures.
  • Data aggregation and reporting: Utilize flexible dashboards and comprehensive reports to get a consolidated view of your ABAC risk and compliance data.
  • Disclosures: Engage employees with integrated compliance campaigns to capture and review conflicts of interest, and gift & entertainment disclosures, ensuring adherence to policies and regulations.
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Adapt to anything

In a constantly changing regulatory landscape, GAN Integrity ensures your compliance program is agile and resilient, without the need for expensive IT projects.
  • Compliance gap analysis. Identify and bridge gaps between your current practices and emerging regulations to maintain continuous compliance.
  • Third-party risk assessments: Implement a structured approach to evaluate your third parties, monitor risk changes, and adapt mitigation strategies as necessary.
  • Policy management: Develop a comprehensive library of ABAC policies that are easily accessible and regularly updated for employees and third parties.

Get all the help you need

GAN Integrity offers comprehensive support and resources to ensure your success.
  • Expert support: Access our team of specialists for guidance on navigating complex regulations and developing effective ABAC strategies.
  • Employee training & communication: Empower your employees with the knowledge and skills to make ethical decisions through engaging training programs and targeted communication campaigns.
  • Streamlined workflow management: Efficiently manage approvals, revisions, and updates to your ABAC program through a centralized, configurable platform.

Our Solutions


ABAC Program Management

Ensure your organization upholds ethical integrity and ABAC compliance through comprehensive risk assessments, effective policy management, and continuous monitoring. Capabilities include:
  • Third-party due diligence: Mitigate bribery and corruption risks with integrated questionnaires, sanctions checks, and risk intelligence data.
  • Disclosure management: Consolidate and assess conflicts of interest, gifts, travel, entertainment, and political and charitable contribution disclosures.
  • Reporting and documentation: Maintain a complete audit trail and detailed reporting to easily demonstrate compliance to stakeholders and regulators.

The GAN Integrity Platform means all your compliance and ethics programs can be managed in one place - now that's better.

What Our Customers Say

The other piece that I really liked about GAN, related to the investigations and the case management, was that it was pretty simple and straightforward. For a company like ours, which is a manufacturing company, we’re averaging somewhere between 20 and 30 cases coming in a month. We don’t need a lot of complexity. We need it to be pretty simple, straightforward, and easy to use. And that was one of the things that really appealed to me about GAN.

Deborah Spanic

Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer for Clarios

GAN started out as only our high-risk transaction platform, then became our transaction, conflict and government interaction system. Now it’s just our Business Integrity platform

Jessie O’Neil

Business Integrity Global Lead, Barrick Gold